Radioactive Leak Stops in Japan

Can we learn anything from Japan’s action in the wake of its catastrophe?

There was a sigh of relief when news broke on Wednesday that Japan was able to plug a radiation leak that spilled hazardous material into the Pacific Ocean. There was even more relief when Japanese officials suggested that the radiation levels in the Pacific Ocean wasn’t thought to have an effect on the marine life — most notably fish. It’s a small victory for the embattled country.

The leak was the latest in a long line of ongoing issues nuclear plant officials have been dealing with in the wake of the catastrophic tsunami that hit the island country nearly a month ago. Most catastrophes are so great that prevention is impossible, but there are ways to prepare for if and when these disasters hit. Educating workers of the dangers and issues they could face is a top priority for most employers in the manufacturing world.

ITC Learning has plenty of online courses to help your company prepare for and prevent these types of situation from happening. Among them are:

Process Training

Process training offers control strategies for heating and cooling systems, among other core principles of the online training. In the case of the Japan radiation leak, they had to spill out three million gallons of less contaminated water so the highly hazardous water could be stored within the warehouse. The flooding of fresh water into the plant is a “makeshift cooling system” and will be used until they can implement normal cooling systems. They are still not entirely in the clear, but without a solid understanding of the entire process, correcting the problem could have been far more problematic.

Hazardous Waste – Emergency Response

Recognizing the levels of radiation, Japanese officials are asking Russia to supply a ship that decontaminates water, as well as a floating storage facility. The containment efforts have been of international importance with the news of seawater contamination and even radioactive rainwater in places as far west as Boston. Understanding the levels of danger and knowing where to turn for support are important skills for any employer dealing with hazardous wastes. Protocol for all situations can sometimes be the most critical component in emergency response.